Cotton reinforced grinding discs BVSS MTX


MTX : Hard bond Extraordinary abrasiveness and lifetime when working on aluminum. Extremely suitable for aluminum and nonferrous materials. For slight and medium work when removing welding beads..

Processable material:
Aluminium / non ferrous metals, Plastics / Composite material, Stainless steel, Titanium
Operating mode:
Abrasive type:
Abrasive discs plane use
Grain quality:
Mix alumina oxide/silicon carbide
Max. speed m/s:
80 m/s
Piktogramm Piktogramm Piktogramm Piktogramm
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Mat.-No. ID-No.
100010645 BVSS 115/5/22.2 A24 MTX 90826100 115 5 22.2 Brown MTX (brown): Hard bond Extraordinary abrasiveness and lifetime when working on aluminum. Extremely suitable for aluminum and nonferrous materials. For slight and medium work when removing welding beads. 13300 1